Intro Sale 40% off Bouquet Creator


  • 930 watercolor floral elements grouped by colors into 27 PSD documents and 29 AI documents.
  • *930 watercolor floral elements grouped in separate folders by colors, in PNG and EPS.
  • *27 (29 for AI kit) JPEG matching palettes, showing the main color of each floral element.
  • *20 templates of various shapes – bouquets, wreaths, and floral drops
  • PSD “Arrangement Creator” – PSD file with the workspace where you create the arrangements.
  • All are high-resolution files (300 dpi) with a transparent background.
  • *Step-by-step instruction in PDF and JPEG.
  • *Link to a more detailed video instruction, which shows the process of the arrangement creating in detail.



Intro Sale 40% off Bouquet Creator Happy to share with you a new product and idea of using floral graphics in your design projects! Floral Arrangement Creator –  the unique kit which allows you to create watercolor floral illustrations in any color schemes.

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