Meet Top 20 Blogging Joomla Themes

Do you want to promote your or your client’s projects, ideas or talents? Do you need a nice website for a freelance business? Are you searching for a way to arrange a good personal online resume? There is no problem today to do all these with almost no efforts.

If you are still in doubt how to make a nice personal or corporate web representation, you may consider the idea to create a blog. Here are some reasons to start blogging.

A blog is the easiest way to get published. It even can be the first step for publishing your ideas and thoughts in magazines, books etc.

Blog is a good way of promotion of a freelance business and also suitable for corporate web representation.

Blog makes you write more coherently. Writing articles in a blog demands a range of evidence and a special author style so you will look impressive and be persuading.

Building an audience. Starting a blog, you create a value and gather the audience around it.

A blog advances your resume. It is surely better to have a blog than just an add or online resume.

A blog can greatly help to influence customers’ buying decisions, increase your clients base and even get a higher level in competition charts.

TemplateMonster solutions for blogs and personal web pages

If you have decided to create a nice blog TemplateMonster is ready to offer some attractive solutions for you. There is a range of awesome Personal Pages Joomla Templates which will help you to follow all the latest blogging trends and make your site perfect.

There are some special things that will make your blog successful and effective. Moreover, you will need to consider some functional theme characteristics to be included in the pack.

Firstly, it is very important that the template has a responsive design. Nowadays it’s very important to open your site with different kinds of devices.

It’s good to have a functional, advanced dropdown menu. This will help your visitors to have a better website navigation.

Useful buttons like “read more” allow you to place more interesting information on the front page, intrigue your audience and make a good project overview just at a glance.

If you don’t want the designing process to be long and difficult, you will also need such functions and options as Theme color switcher, multiple layout options, clean code etc. to make your web project easily customized.

Consider if you need social media integration and contact form. This is very important to keep in touch with your clients.

Why choose Joomla?

If you agree that above described issues are important for your blog you may choose Joomla! as a perfect template platform offering these options and many other useful ones. Moreover, many of Joomla templates include a range of useful plugins, extensions, and other implementations so you will not have to download them additionally. Actually, this is a good way to save your time and money.

News Portal – Eye-Catching Joomla Template For A Blog

News Portal Responsive Joomla Template

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Are you looking for a bright, eye-catching template to create a blog? You may like News Portal for its beautiful and responsive design as well as for its high functionality. You can make a great news showcase thanks to advanced theme options, alternative module layouts, articles newsflash and many other extensions allowing you to sort your news, highlight them etc. Furthermore, a functional dropdown menu, back-to-top button, quickstart package, sample content will make your blog more convenient for an overview. Using News Portal Joomla Template you can easily create blog, gallery, and forum on your website to keep your audience always updated and to get their opinion too. Also, search, contact and login forms, newsletter subscription, user registration are available so visitors will read, discuss and easily search for your blog news.

Fashion Amazing Joomla Template For A Personal Page

Fashion Responsive Joomla Template

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Here comes an extraordinary Joomla template perfectly suitable to create a supreme fashion blog but also possible to be used for any blog kind. Fashion blog demands a special stylish and pretty premade website layout. That is why Fashion theme includes such features as slider, parallax, additional pages and UI elements to make a sophisticated showcase of the latest trends and fashion tendencies as well as your news and ideas. The template goes with 3.6.5. Joomla! engine and has a range of useful features. Using the theme you will get advanced theme options, sliced PSD, back-to-top button, alternative module layouts, quickstart page, sample content, crossbrowser compatibility, sortable gallery, social options and so on. Moreover, due to the template is responsive it will look great on any kind of device.

Cooking – Creative Joomla Template For Cooking Blogs

Cooking Responsive Joomla Template

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Do you need a yummy theme for a cooking blog? There is a nice solution to make a pretty showcase of dishes, recipes, and culinary events. Cooking is a well-documented Joomla! template with a responsive and stylish design. To make your website look pretty with no of your efforts and minimal of your coding and designing skills a range of useful features and implementations are included in the pack. You can easily customize the site with the help of Theme Color Switcher, UI kit, using multiple layout options etc. Gallery with MixItUp script will upload your images and show them in high quality and 1920 px width. Keep also a constant contact with your customer through social media integration, contact and logging form, and user registration option.

Fashion Blog Stylish Template For A Perfect Fashion Blog

Fashion Blog Responsive Joomla Template

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The creators of Fashion Blog theme know what should a blog representing the latest fashion trends and news look like. This is a responsive template with advanced theme options and alternative module layouts also providing its user with plenty of useful features. Sortable gallery with MixItUp script and sample content are perfect implementations for an attractive materials showcase. Dropdown menu, Google map, commenting system, tabs, tooltips are the things to make the blog handy and functional. What is more, the useful Joomla! modules Articles – Newsflash, Articles Single, Camera Slideshow, TM Ajax Contact form and many others are included in the pack.

Jedi – Multifunctional Joomla Template For Any Purpose

Jedi - Multifunctional Joomla Template

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This theme is a multifunctional one including 40 predesigned pages, 45 PSD, and multiple header and footer layouts. Jedi template is extremely fast and responsive, possible to be easily opened with any kind of device. It has got social integration with a full set of social icons and styling options. Due to the theme is SEO-friendly your website will get higher traffic results. Creating a fully-featured forum is possible thanks to Kunena Forum integrated and Komento component. You will also have charts and bars plugins for better visualization of your data. What is more, a fully-fledged store is possible on your website with VirtueMart eCommerce Integration providing predesigned shop pages. Furthermore, you will get an event calendar, pricing tables, megamenu, Google map, advanced search, contact form, newsletter subscription and much more.

Cooking Recipes – Responsive Joomla Cooking Theme

Cooking Recipes Responsive Joomla Template

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There is an awesome template for cooking recipes showcase. Cooking recipes responsive Joomla template runs on 3.6.5. Joomla! engine and is crafted with care right for your convenient usage. Searching for a nice premade website layout for a cooking blog or website you will like this one for its responsive, clean, and stylish design, and also for its first-class functionality. It’s easily customizable due to Theme Color Switcher providing you with plenty of pretty color options; also a rich UI kit helps to make a nice content visualization. You will also have many additional pages to share much of your ideas and useful information. Sortable gallery with MixItUp script allows to show your high-quality images of the dishes and make your site extremely nice and “tasty”.

Handmade & Gifts – Awesome Theme For Crafts Blog or Gift Store

Handmade & Gifts - Crafts Blog and Gift Store Joomla Template

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Handmade & Gifts is a nice template to create a crafts blog combined with online gifts store. It has a beautiful responsive design and an extended list of useful features. Theme color switcher gives a possibility to change the color pallet with a click only. You can present the important information is a special way – arrange a presentation with the help of slider. Parallax also provides a pretty look at your page due to the images layers combined. What’s great is that you will have such additional pages as blog, forum, gallery, portfolio, team, pricing, history, career etc. UI elements are included for an easy uploading of any content type. Crossbrowser compatibility is also a handy feature saving your time since you don’t need to do manual testing being sure of your website perfect look on any browser. These mentioned ones and many other features are included in Handmade & Gifts theme for you to make an awesome and convenient blog.

Designer Portfolio – Special Joomla Template For Designers

Designer Portfolio Responsive Joomla Template

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Are you creating a designer portfolio? Do you want it to be stylish, handy and responsive? Designer Portfolio Joomla Template is then right what you need. The theme is well-documented and it will be easy to install it and use. Blog, forum, and sortable gallery implementations are the main options to arrange a good promotion for your project and to make it interesting. Advanced theme options, Sliced PSD, Favicon, alternative module layouts, commenting system, Google map, tag cloud and many other features are in the template. The theme also has a clean code so the designing process shouldn’t be difficult for you.

Ian Peterson – Perfect Joomla Template For Creative Freelancers

Ian Peterson Joomla Template

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Creative projects need a special promotion. That is why there is separate category of templates especially for these purposes. Ian Peterson Joomla theme is one of them. It’s perfectly suitable for an actor, model, or any creative artist portfolio and blog. A large picture on the home page can represent your idea or some mainstream of your creative project. You will get a possibility typography and geometric shapes to make a visual separation of content areas due to well-arranged graphics and color schemes provided. You may also add a biography, latest news, and filmography sections to your home page to make it interesting. Contact Form, Login Form, and User Registration option let you always keep in touch with your customers.

Blog Theme – Functional Joomla Blogging Template

Blog Theme Joomla Template

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Blog Joomla Theme can be suitable for you if you create any kind of blog or personal page; you can also use it for a portfolio or corporate website. The template is perfect for many purposes since it has a clean and stylish design, smart layout options and nice fonts included – everything needed to make the strict focus on the most actual details. The Blog theme is also user-friendly, very easy to install and use due to the well-structured design. Keep a contact with your customers through social login option due to their signing in via Facebook, Twitter or G profiles. Also, a range of technical advantages like advanced theme options, dropdown menu and back to top button, commenting system, crossbrowser compatibility, favicon, google map, google web fonts, sample content are provided by Joomla platform as usual.

Online Fashion – Stylish Joomla Fashion Template

Online Fashion Joomla Template

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This is a blog Joomla template that can be a smart solution for any needed purpose but mostly suitable for fashion web projects due to that large and qualitative images are combined and well-set in a perfect showcase right from the home page. Its responsive design also let your site be shown on any device with no quality loss. Firstly, the slider on the homepage will attract your customers’ attention. Then, you can place the necessary information and pictures into sample content to share more materials with your visitors. The template also has advanced theme options so you can do some interesting customization. The photo gallery is set up clearly so you will have no problems to make a great products presentation. Moreover, Online Fashion theme is not difficult in installation and usage.

Jumerix – Amazing Joomla Theme For Any Purpose

Jumerix - Multipurpose Joomla Template

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Searching for a complex website premade layout for blog and portfolio? Need an idea for a corporate web project? Want to create a personal page to promote your ideas? Try Jumerix – the multipurpose template on Joomla base including a host of UI elements so it will be easy for you to personalize, customize and update your website. The pack also contains a range of TM extensions and modules so you don’t need to download the necessary implementations additionally. The predesigned layouts will also make a great help in the customization process. MegaMenu and Ajax-based search are very much convenient for the website overview and internal searching process.

Fashion – Sophisticated Joomla Template

Fashion Joomla Template

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Here is one more template perfect for creating a fashion blog. It looks extraordinarily thanks to vertical menu and subcategories linking to additional pages shown. It is very easy to install and make any kind of configurations. This is a crossbrowser compatible theme so you don’t need any extra checks of showing it up in different browsers. Fashion Joomla Template includes blog, forum, gallery, and portfolio features included. Also, contact and login forms, user registration, search form are available for your and your customers’ convenience and better cooperation. The 2048px width of your images is one more step to make your gallery attractive. The theme is well-documented. To use the template you will need Adobe Photoshop CC+, ZIP unarchiver and PHP editor only.

School Blog Attractive Joomla Template

School Blog Joomla Template

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SchoolLife is a great Joomla solution for a school blog, but as well it can be used for any blogging and publication websites. The perfect combinations of images, texts, headings and media uploaded make the layout look clean and eye-catching. The customization process is not difficult due to a range of useful plugins and extensions included in the pack. Use multiple layout options to edit your pages outlook just in a click. You can easily create different types of posts and articles, insert a banner advertisement and monetize your blog as well. Social media integration is also a very important component of the template taking the potential audience into consideration. SchoolLife theme is fully responsive so your blog will be perfect on any device and screen.

Fashion Blog Responsive Joomla Template

Fashion Blog Joomla Template

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If your demands to the template are high functionality, clean design and well-balanced content placing you will definitely like Fashion Blog Joomla Template. The theme has 3.2.0-3.8.x, 3.0.x-3.5.x Joomla compatibility and runs with 3.4.x Joomla engine. HTML plus JS is available in the template. Due to the theme advanced Joomla functionality you can create blog, forum, gallery, and portfolio on your website. The template is user-friendly, it demands minimum designing and coding skills. All software base needed is Adobe Photoshop CC+, ZIP unarchiver, PHP editor. Nevertheless, your site will look attractive thanks to a large slider on the home page, sample content and nice layout customized with the help of advanced theme options and alternative module layouts included.

Jacob Joomla Template – Smart Solution for Online Resume

Jacob Joomla Template

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A nice solution for a blog or online resume is Jacob Joomla Template. It can help you if you want to be impressive and clear. Upload your images to represent the mainstream right on the first page and intrigue the visitors. Place the continuation linked with the button “Read more” and let your audience start navigating your blog. Download your pictures and sample content to your portfolio to make a smart showcase of your works, ideas, and projects. An eye-catching contact-form will leave no doubt for your audience to contact you for the offered services. The clean and attractive dropdown menu is functional and provides a good overview of your site. This template is perfect for any freelancer who wants to present and promote himself delightfully.

Apparel – User-Friendly Template For A Nice Blog

Apparel Responsive Joomla Template

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Do you want your visitor to like your site at a glance? Apparel Responsive Joomla Template will surely help you. What’s special? You can visualize your project not only with images uploaded even in beautiful sliders, but you can add a video right on your front page and make a bright promotion. Well-balanced images, samples, links, texts, and headings make a clean awesome design. The template is great for a personal or corporate portfolio, fashion blog or any other online resume. You will also have a forum for your shared data where everyone can discuss it. Moreover, social media integration is a great help to keep in touch with your clients.

High Fashion – Smart Fashion Blog Template

High Fashion Joomla Template

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This is a stylish and functional Joomla theme developed for fashion online projects and blogs, also possible to be used for almost each needed purpose. The site based on this premade layout will look awesome due to advanced gallery options. Large sliders can make a brief overview of the most important images and ideas correspondingly. Additionally, Parallax effect gives a sense of the site better and more beautiful filling in. Sortable gallery with MixItUp script allows you to create a perfect showcase of your trendy photos. Moreover, Advanced Theme Options, and Alternative Module Layouts, Back To Top Button, Crossbrowser Compatibility, Dropdown Menu, Favicon, and many other extensions make the site not only pretty but very handy and functional.

Personal Pages – Special Blogging Theme

 Personal Pages Joomla Template

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Do you want to promote yourself, your ideas, personal features, talents, and projects? Then you need a good website to create a personal blog. Personal Pages Joomla Template is one of the best solutions for this purpose. It contains all the necessary features to create a handy, laconic, and at the same time eye-catching blog. You will have a nice showcase of your images thanks to the well-implemented gallery options and parallax extension at the home page. You can present the mainstreams making continuation with “Read more” button and this way let your visitors be informed of more information provided on your website. Blog and forum are also possible to be implemented. Above all, the template is well-documented and will be easy for you to use.

Fashion Blog – Stylish Fashion Blog Solution

Fashion Blog Responsive Joomla Template

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This template is very good for fashion and trends blogs since it has different types of galleries and provides an awesome images showcase. The design is sophisticated and clean due to nice fonts, well-balanced images location and proportional white space around the pictures used, that allows fixing the audience attention on the images. The dropdown menu is very much functional and allows you to create all the necessary categories to make your site convenient for an overview. Sliders help you to arrange a better representation of your products and events. The template is Search Engine Friendly so you get a higher popularity just placing your information on the site. Furthermore, you will need no special designing or coding skills to make the customization.

All the above-described templates are represented on TemplateMonster official website. You can find there a perfect solution for your blog, personal page or any other web project. Welcome to have a great template choice and constant friendly support!
