Landing Pages come in handy when the user wants to drive traffic to a particular page and full screen landing page templates is undoubtedly a responsive template created on the
the base of a Twitter Bootstrap. It is a one-page template that has been designed to give the users an optimal experience as it is compatible with all browsers and devices, tablets and mobiles. It allows a plethora of background choices – You can choose from the static background, slider background, video background and solid section background.
Professional Full-Screen Landing Page Template
Full-Screen Mobile Apps Landing Page Template
Responsive WordPress Full Screen Landing Page Template
Travel Agency Landing Page Template
Fullscreen Single Landing Page Template
There are five choices of banners, namely App Banner, Static Banner, Slider Banner, Typed Banner and Landing Banner also includes section kits like Blogs/News Sections, Components, Pricing Table Section, Gallery Section, Team Section, and Testimonial Section amidst many others. It is a minimalist design that is also lightweight and loads really fast. It is flexible, easily customizable and very user-friendly in nature that makes it a strong component in the market.
Multipurpose Full-Screen Landing Page Template
HTML 5 Full-Screen Landing Page Template
WordPress Full-Screen Landing Page Template
Best FullScreen Landing Page Template
Startup Full-Screen Landing Page Template
Fullscreen Onepage Template
Beauty Product Landing Page Template
Responsive Real Estate Landing Page Template
Full-Screen Landing Page Joomla Template
Jquery Responsive Landing Page Template
Fully Responsive App Landing Page Template
Easy Startup Landing Page Joomla template
Marketing landing Page Template 
App Landing Page Template
Full-Screen Spa Landing Page Template
Corporate Full-Screen Landing Page Template
Full-Screen Furniture Landing Page Template
Full-Screen Agency Landing Page Template
Download Full-Screen Landing page Template
Elegant Full-Screen Landing Page Template
full screen landing page templates

Additional features like the new Toggle Menu, Sass Less, ability to copy paste code makes it more alluring to users. It can be used as an app page as well besides a landing page. It is unanimously one of the best landing page templates available presently and does quite a justice to its name. The myriad choice options that have been providing help developers and users change features as they like to make their websites more attractive as well as suiting to their needs.