Landing Page Templates

All about landing page templates

Landing pages are critical as they set the tone for your website and these pages are what the user first sees. These landing pages need to be mobile responsive as well as they should generate interest. Thus, they help to increase the leads and revenue which is the primary goal of any business. If you can ensure a correct design for them, the conversion rates can improve in leaps and bounds. At the same time, if the designing is not proper, it can put off even the most loyal customers.

Why use landing page templates

There are various reasons to use landing page templates. They are :

  1. There are hundreds of different responsive landing page templates from which you can select and apply accordingly. A user can find almost exactly what he or she needs or requires from the landing page.
  2. The primary aim of a landing page template is to increase the conversion. There are some others which are meant for promos or sales or opt-ins or even downloading pages.
  3. They look professional and can customized as per the need, the kind of business, the target audience and a requirement of the owner.
  4. You can tweak to see how the page will look when viewed on not only a desktop but also a mobile or handheld device.
  5. You do not need any particular technical skill as all the elements can dragged and dropped on the builder of the landing page. That is how you can design on a landing page template. You can resize, move, crop, rescale, reshape or group all the elements which are on the landing pages.
  6. There are flexible options for publishing.
  7. There are tracking pages which can give instant insights, and there are SEO tools that you can use along with the landing page templates.  SEO tools ensure that you can reach the targeted audience.
  8. You can even generate customer data and capture leads using the right landing page template. Thus you can customize the input labels as well as fields and thus nurture leads.
  9. You can connect it with different analytic as well as remarketing platforms, and so the performance can optimized.
  10. You can expect more visibility by using a landing page template as you can make it more attractive by using various features such as embedded videos.
  11. It is also possible to add tabs on the facebook page and also to add various icons of social sharing sites on the landing page which will allow visitors to share the page with their contacts.
  12. You can encourage people to make immediate shopping decisions by adding the ‘buy now’ button and by adding PayPal or any other payment option.
  13. Using these landing page templates, one can continue a conversation and engage contacts effectively. These can even used to run webinars or to educate customers and turn them into leads. These leads, in turn, can then convert to loyal customers.