16+ Modern Infographic Element Templates

Infographic Element Templates Free Download

The strict definition of infographic elements is deceptively simple: “a visual image such as a chart or diagram used to represent information or data,” but when we hear the Infographic Element Templates.

The word we’re not thinking of a neat little pie chart or line graph. Instead, the term has come to represent really long, visually intriguing graphics. The trouble is that not all infographic elements are long, and certainly, not all of them are visually intriguing.

Charts and graphs that visualize single pieces of data lack the element of storytelling that we associate with infographics, and they also fail the test of online discussion. The first and most vital step to creating a gripping infographic element is choosing the topic.

Most people get caught up in the pretty design elements of their infographic — font, graphics, color scheme — but unless your subject matter is interesting, you’re fighting a losing battle. While things like website visitors, social media demographics and census data may seem like natural fits for an infographic, many of the most successful is just based on an interesting topic that has no associated data. But whichever route you choose, your graphics, font, and colors need to be deliberately chosen.

Restrict the number of colors and types of fonts you’re using, and make sure to incorporate plenty of white space so that you don’t overwhelm readers. To help organize your story and/or data, you should also be arranging graphics and text in a clear hierarchical structure to draw the eye through your story.

Basic Infographic Elements TemplateBasic Infographic Elements Template

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 Business Infographic Element TemplateBusiness Infographic Element Template

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Bundle Infographic Design ElementsBundle Infographic Design Elements

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Exclusive High-Quality Infographics TemplateExclusive High-Quality Infographics TemplateWord Button

Multipurpose Infographic Element TemplateMultipurpose Infographic Element Template

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Graphical Representation Element TemplateGraphical Representation Element Template

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PowerPoint Infographic TemplatePowerPoint Infographic Template

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Vector Infographic Elements TemplateVector Infographic Elements Template

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Infographic Element Set Templateinfographic Element Set Template

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Best Infographic ElementsBest Infographic Elements

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Presentation Elements TemplatePresentation Elements Template

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Modern Graphical Elements  Modern Graphical Elements

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 Medical Infographic Element Template Medical Infographic Element Template

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Infographic Business Element  Set Template Infographic Business Element Set Template

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Full-Length Infographic Element TemplateFull-Length Infographic Element Template

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