Mega Menu HTML5 Templates

Mega Menu HTML5 Templates are known for their responsive and multi-purpose functionality and command the market presently. iNav CSS3 Mega Menu is a complete navigation menu, that is completely inspired

by Apple and has four menu variants, namely, Horizontal, Sticky Footer, Vertical Left and Right Layout. Eleven pre-built color schemes come with this menu along with a live color scheme creator, unlimited dropdown levels, mega drop-downs, content pre-styles, Ajax contact form with an always helpful support system. Metro supports 5 image transitions animations with 4 varying style box layouts and easy to use interface besides one-click installation system. Sherpa comes with three major screen variants namely NavBar, Sidebar and Sticky Footer.

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Responsive Mega Menu HTML 5 Template

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Mega Menu HTML5 Templates
Simple Mega Menu HTML Template

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It includes ten different color schemes, twelve background images, developed CSS3 features, and more than five hundred icons. CSS3 Animated Mega Nav has a lot of pre-styled content and refrains from using any Java or coded script. It is user-friendly and fast loading as well.

The CSS3 Mega Drop Down Menu is the best solution to build the menu as it provides three variants horizontal, vertical left and right alignment with working contact form, nine color schemes, pre-styled elements like headings, styles, footers, forms and many more attractive features to choose from. Mega Drop Down Enhanced has a six-column grid layout with seven pre-made color schemes, multi drop down levels and pre-styles which is easy to use and quick to install.
