Pretty Blog Design Kit


  • 80 Clip Art Images | PNG, around 1500px wide
  • 16 Post Dividers | PNG, a mixture of high-res and pre-sized for post
  • 9 SideBar Dividers | PNG, pre-sized for sidebar
  • 14 Mini Side Bar Envelopes | PNG, pre-sized for sidebar
  • 10 Favicons | PNG, ready to upload
  • 2 Bloglovin Follow Buttons | PNG, pre-sized for sidebar
  • 4 Blank Submarks | PNG, 400px by 400px
  • 2 XOX Signatures | PNG, ready to upload
  • 6 Pin It Buttons | PNG, ready to upload



Introducing the Pretty Blog Design Kit A blog design and branding kit, full of inspiration with a selection of ultra-feminine design pieces to create the most beautiful blog

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