WordPress Portfolio Theme


To design your portfolio in a perfect way is very important because your work is your identity. We have an outstanding collection of the best WordPress Portfolio Themes. Anyone from a designer to the photographer can find the best available portfolio WordPress theme to showcase his work in superior quality.


  • Upload custom Logo
  • “Welcome” Slider – activated in our DEMO. You can choose a static image or a slider with fade or scrolling effect. Change its speed, welcome text and also add a link to your Project or any internal/external link.
  • Enable/disable Black and White Project`s thumbnails.
  • Image or video Projects thumbnails with customizable hover color and opacity.
  • Custom any Google Fonts and Custom Colors.
  • Predefined 2 editable custom Menus – Main navigation and Social Menu.
  • Sample Predefined Contact Page Template.
  • Predefined About Page Template.
  • Custom 404 error Page.
  • Editable Footer`s Copyright text.

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